Eversend Crypto API

Eversend Crypto API: Empowering Your Cryptocurrency Journey!


Welcome to Eversend's Crypto Infrastructure - a cutting-edge platform designed to cater to all your cryptocurrency needs. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a business looking to integrate crypto features, our powerful and secure API offerings are here to transform your experience. Get ready to unlock the full potential of cryptocurrencies with Eversend!

🚀 Why Choose Eversend?

  • Collections: Our crypto infrastructure allows you to create and manage diversified collections of cryptocurrencies effortlessly. Monitor and optimize your crypto portfolio with ease using our API, which provides real-time balance information and transaction history.
  • Security: Seamlessly handle your crypto infrastructure with our secure and scalable API. Our APIs are secured with IP whitelisting to ensure the utmost security and compliance for your assets and transactions.
  • Wallets as a Service: Access a wide array of blockchain chains through our platform. Create crypto addresses based on the available asset chains of your active wallets, offering flexibility and compatibility for various digital assets.
  • On and Off-Ramp: With Eversend's Crypto API, you can bridge the gap between cryptocurrencies and fiat seamlessly. Enable crypto payment gateways in your applications, giving your customers the convenience and security of transacting with cryptocurrencies.

Connecting With Our API:

Integrating Eversend's Crypto API into your applications is a breeze. Already an Eversend user? You're one step ahead! Access our API and Dashboard through authentication, and you're ready to harness the full potential of cryptocurrencies.

👋 New to Eversend? Get access to Eversend.

This guide assumes you already have an Eversend account and access to our Dashboard.

Please follow this link to Authenticate Authenticate.
Get the authentication token as it will be used for subsequent requests and will be passed to the header.

📚 What Can You Achieve with Our API?

With our Crypto API, you can

  1. Fetch Assets Chains
  2. Create Crypto Address
  3. Fetch Existing Crypto Addresses
  4. View Crypto Transactions
  5. Receive Crypto

Fetch Assets Chain

Discover the diverse world of cryptocurrencies with our API's capability to fetch asset chains. Explore different blockchain networks, each with its unique set of rules and protocols, catering to specific digital assets, DApps, smart contracts, and more.

Based on your available crypto wallets, we offer different blockchain chains. An asset chain is essentially a blockchain that supports specific digital assets and allows users to perform transactions and other operations within that particular network.

To view all assets chains available for you, based on your activated crypto wallets in our system, you should follow this link to test: [Fetch Assets Chain]

Create Crypto Address

Generate crypto addresses effortlessly based on the asset chains of your active wallets. This feature empowers you to receive and manage multiple digital assets securely and efficiently.

Based on the available asset chains of your active crypto wallets, which we can see from the previous step, you can generate a crypto address. To generate a crypto address, check out the process here: Create Crypto Address

Fetch Existing Crypto Addresses

Keep track of all your crypto addresses with ease. Our API allows you to view and manage the addresses you've created, streamlining your crypto operations.

You can view and manage the addresses you have created by calling our API endpoint. You can find it here: [Fetch Crypto Addresses]

View Crypto Transactions

Gain insights into your crypto transaction history with a single API call. Seamlessly track and monitor your transactions on our secure platform.

We offer an easy way to see your transactions. To gain insight into your crypto transactions, you can find the endpoint here: [View Crypto Transactions]

Receiving Crypto

Eversend makes receiving crypto a simple process. Copy your generated crypto address and receive your assets directly. Exchange them to fiat or transfer them to your bank account or mobile money account effortlessly.

💼 Unlocking Possibilities for Your Business:

  1. Faster and Cheaper Cross-Border Payments: Leave behind the delays and high costs of traditional cross-border transactions. Our Crypto Infrastructure empowers near-instantaneous cross-border payments without intermediaries, ensuring faster and more cost-effective transactions for your business and customers.
  2. Reduced Foreign Exchange (FX) Risks: Embrace the borderless nature of cryptocurrencies and reduce FX risks and costs. Our platform offers a decentralized medium of exchange, making cross-border transactions more predictable and efficient.
  3. Global Remittances: Transform the way you send and receive money globally. Leverage cryptocurrencies to facilitate instant and affordable remittances, driving financial inclusion and supporting economic growth worldwide.

Are you ready to revolutionize your cryptocurrency journey? Integrate Eversend's Crypto API now and unlock a world of possibilities in the realm of cryptocurrencies. Embrace security, scalability, and unparalleled convenience with Eversend - where the future of crypto awaits you!